My Signature Offer: Launch in a Day

You need a professional, modern website, and you need it now. Squarespace and I will take it from here.

To the small business owners, the sought-out solopreneurs, the soon-to-be-successful startups:

Building your business takes time, but building your website doesn’t have to.

That’s why my signature Launch in a Day package gives you everything you need and nothing you don’t.

Because when you’re a green or growing business, you don’t want to waste time DIY-ing a free template that won’t last. And you don’t need all the bells and whistles that come with hefty custom price tags.

You need simple, streamlined, and totally stress-free. You need someone else to take the details off your hands. And you need it to happen ASAP.

That’s why I’m here.

Shawn Kwek Squarespace web design services

Here’s how you’ll know if Launch in a Day is for you:  

  • You’ve been trying to DIY your site but aren’t happy with the results, and are finally ready to take back your time for the things that really matter.

  • You’re ready for a budget-friendly revamp that will stay with you for years to come, and you love modern, clean professional design.

  • You’re a brand new business owner and could use the support of a designer who knows marketing & sales like the back of his hand.

  • You wanted to launch three weeks ago, but the time keeps passing, and you know it’s time to call on some help!

Here’s what’s included:

  • My in-depth content planning questionnaire helps you think through the outline of your site and stay organized throughout the process.

  • We’ll talk through the content, branding, and design of your site so that I understand your vision and can bring it to life!

  • Most projects will include Home, About, Services, and Contact pages, customized with your unique branding elements.

  • You can rest assured that your website will be as beautiful on mobile as it is on desktop, with your design optimized for both.

  • I help you connect your website to your domain, choose the right Squarespace subscription plan, and officially launch your site.

  • Your website will be done in a day, but the support is ongoing! I offer two full weeks of Squarespace support to make any changes you’d like.

Investment: $2,245
Timeline: 1 day (yes, really!)

How It Works

coaching website planning

Step 1: Choose Your Day

Once we've had a discovery call to make sure we're a good fit, you'll pay a non-refundable deposit and select your day. We’ll also schedule a 30-min strategy session.

coaching website page buildout

Step 2: Hand Over Your Content

After our strategy session, you’ll choose pages you want on your site and submit content for them using my in-depth planning questionnaire as a guide.

coaching website launching

Step 3: Review & Launch

We’ll have a 45-mins call when your site is ready to make any revisions you’d like. Then, I’ll support you through the Squarespace launch process to take your site live!

What my clients are saying…


I thought I was hiring a website designer but Shawn was so much more; he brought incredible insight and always knew the right questions to ask to really get me to hone in on my business focus..”

- Shannon S., Career Coach

Shawn's client PoP Health - A Healthcare Consultancy

“I could not be more grateful I stumbled upon Shawn and his services! His "Launch in a Day" was perfect for what I was looking for. Don't wait, take the leap to work with Shawn now, you won't regret it!” 

- Vinu I., PoP Health

Shawn's client Michael Hardy Real Estate - A Real Estate Agency

"Professional, knowledgeable, timely, and proactive are what comes to mind when working with Shawn. He was extremely responsive and engaging during the whole process of building my new website."

- Michael H., Michael Hardy Real Estate

Shawn's client LadyDork - A Yoga Studio

"Where do I start? Shawn has been exceptional. I wanted to redesign my website but didn't have an idea of where to start. Shawn has done a great job of guiding and helping me think through my website."

- Sanaa J., LadyDork

Book A Discovery Call

Think we might be a good fit? Schedule a free discovery call and we’ll talk through the vision you have for your website and how I can bring it to life.